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== Religion ==
== Religion ==
[[File:Dwarven flag for dnd|thumb|left|335 px|The Kingdom's flag waving in the wind]]

Revision as of 21:25, 11 October 2020

Alzhak Reger was founded by Delvar Starbreaker. It is the kingdom where he is rallying the survivors of Verk's purge of the dwarven people, so that they may finally have a home where they may live without the fear or hatred of the land they were previously in, preventing them from moving on. With this new land, they may once again look upon the light of the surface, returning the gifts of dwarvenkind to the world, to flourish. This is not to say others are unwelcome... far from it! Any who are willing to obey the laws of the land may live here, especially as the kingdom expands outward to allow for more arrivals. However, regardless of the races and beliefs of others, the capital is the hour. The words instilled within our speak of our dedication... "The Body is The Forge, and The Heart is The Bellows". This is our core, carved into our bones, metalwork within our blood.


Alzhak Reger, much like some others, has recently been founded on Continent of Siacros. The Kingdom is willing to be initially funded by Inevitability, but as they are considered free to follow their own path regardless, the Kingdom will not necessarily assist them. Until the foundation begins, the history has yet to be known, beyond the initial find.


Above, a land full of mountains, hills, and hidden veins, on almost every side, opening up to a river that leads to the sea, the kingdom need only defend on one side by wall, for anyone who can ignore these natural defenses would not have been able to be stopped by a mere wall anyhow.

Below however... that is where the true depths lie. Huge, arching caverns stretch on for as far as the eye could see, glittering gemstones and luminescent crystal, making a natural starry sky; the glow of the mushroom forests decorate the cavern paths with an array of vibrant colors. Soon, an underground utopia will be built here — where paths, mines, forges, and mushroom farms will all one day be seen. It brings a tear to the eye, thinking of the glorious future of our children, in this untapped land.

The Scenery

the crystals closer up

Cave sky

the 'sky' above, though an inaccurate depiction. may get better one later.

The Mushroom Forests

Just because we're underground doesn't mean there's no life.


With humble beginnings at the dawn of a new Kingdom, we have the Capital, our Heart. The "city" of Kal'Azgoroth.


the [temporary] entrance

Places of Interest

There are a few portals in existence within the Kingdom. One to the Inevitability, and another to some strange, extremely powerful individual... there is rumor that more of such portals exist... it is interesting to note, however, stories make mention of some being magic, others technological, others of some mysterious mental energy, while there are others that are some strange mixture of systems. Although most travel is restricted by the nature of the Kingdom's geography, these portals allow for much more potential for travel.


Although rather lacking due to the youth of the kingdom, this force is greatly supplemented by the leaders. The majority of whom are extraordinarily powerful adventurers with many a tale under their belt, as well as the followers they brought with them. And for the military, there is especially that of our Marshal, [Redacted] ,(Not that you'd know the name, it always seems to change... even this record seems to have been expunged after I have written it.) who is known for picking up lost souls, then forging them into soldiers with wills of steel. The Dwarves are known not only for their skill in the forge, but also in battle. Many a soldier feared the berzerkers of the days long past, before The Fall. Our glorious general Sra , known for their holy empowered physique, will perhaps lead them in the battles that may come to head, of new and old foes alike that would wish to crush our new kingdom, and drive the dwarves forever beneath the earth.


It is unclear as to whether there is a particular specialty beyond the norm, however, across the board, dwarves are masters of metal. This is seen in their ability to obtain the bounty of the earth, forge it, and create wonders of engineering with them. Many have an affinity for related ways, be it metal magic, manipulation of the earth with mental powers, or simply the progression of technology. The leaders embody many of these ways as well, due to our wide array of crafters of every path currently known to the Eteran continent. It remains to be seen what they may discover... who knows, perhaps this new land will bless the people with new potential as well.



Dwarven flag for dnd

The Kingdom's flag waving in the wind