World of Babel Wiki

Ferrus Moltenblood's dt event wiki entry.

Albeit not very powerful an individual, nor fast, nor anything else that'd generally help for being distracting or speed retrieving, Ferrus would assist the distracters, by making use of his Collective and Marshal aura, to sustain the main distracting fellows.

To start off, he'd offer access of his psionic collective to those he is with, being Dawn StillShield in this case. He whistles an old dwarven tune, laced with his power, which boosts her fortitude, coats her blades in a sharper mental sheen, and inspires her with temporary insights into her skills, as he hangs back. As people get to where they look like they would be in danger from falling down, he would get in close, so that they do not fall unconcious when their health goes down, and on top of that, whispering to them into their mind, a promise to become Deathless.

With that whisper, they feel an invigoration throughout their form, as they understand innately, for this short period of time, Death has no sway on them. It cannot claim them. Their is only the will of The Council they need think of, and their task. To allow others to retrieve what is needed.

Between the marshalling aura, and the feeling of deathlessness, no matter how much damage, debilitations, etc. are inflicted upon his comrades, they will never falter. Any diseases or poisons that occur, he will take them directly out of his comrades, and heal them as best as his power can last. All the while, upon his wrists, is a Radiance of Perpetual Life. That alone, should be quite distracting, even if he does not use it.

Wave after wave, the undead come for them. Every passing minute, Ferrus hopes they can buy enough time for the Holy Handgrenade to be retrieved, or else facing knowing that all of their work will be for naught.

To keep his mind occupied, Ferrus thought back on the previous days, where he went shopping, of all things, for carrots to feed a sentient rabbit named Tim. He has unfortunately seen much worse, in the form of a bovine disease, but because of that, it was not a very disturbing experience. Hoping that feeding such a being is mostly the same as a regular person, just more carrot-based, he obviously got carrots, then he proceeded to think of all the various spices, tools, and preparation methods that people use for regular food, and then got some cookbooks. After that, he worked with various un-named individuals, to help them with their making of food. He'd provide spices, and stand, reading off instructions while they carried out what he told them, so as to lower the amount of time wasted, so that more work could be done.
